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Peter Brusilovsky
- Director, Intelligent Systems Program
- Professor
Institution of Highest Degree
- PhD, Moscow State University
Representative Publications
Lee, DH and Brusilovsky, P (2017) Improving personalized recommendations using community membership information. Information Processing and Management, 53 (5). 1201 - 1214. ISSN 0306-4573
Anwar, M and Brusilovsky, P (2017) Privacy and territoriality issues in an online social learning portal. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, 11 (1). 1 - 17. ISSN 1930-1650
Hsiao, IH and Brusilovsky, P (2017) Guiding and motivating students through open social student modeling: Lessons learned. Teachers College Record, 119 (3). ISSN 0161-4681
Huang, Y and Yudelson, M and Han, S and He, D and Brusilovsky, P (2016) A framework for dynamic knowledge modeling in textbook-based learning. UMAP 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization. 141 - 150.
Verbert, K and Parra, D and Brusilovsky, P (2016) Agents vs. users: Visual recommendation of research talks with multiple dimension of relevance. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 6 (2). ISSN 2160-6455
Tsai, Chun-Hua and Brusilovsky, Peter (2016) A personalized people recommender system using global search approach. In: IConference 2016, 20 March 2016 - 23 March 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Weber, G and Brusilovsky, P (2016) ELM-ART - An Interactive and Intelligent Web-Based Electronic Textbook. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26 (1). 72 - 81. ISSN 1560-4292
Brusilovsky, P and Somyurek, S and Guerra, J and Hosseini, R and Zadorozhny, V and Durlach, PJ (2016) Open Social Student Modeling for Personalized Learning. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 4 (3). 450 - 461.
Brusilovsky, Peter (2016) Domain Modeling for Personalized Guidance. In: Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Volume 4 - Domain Modeling. Army Research Laboratory, Orlando, FL, USA, 163 - 183. ISBN 978-0-9893923-9-6
Sahebi, Shaghayegh and Lin, Yu-Ru and Brusilovsky, Peter (2016) Tensor Factorization for Student Modeling and Performance Prediction in Unstructured Domain. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. 502 - 506.
Sosnovsky, S. and Brusilovsky, P. (2015) Evaluation of Topic-based Adaptation and Student Modeling in QuizGuide. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 25 (4), 371-424. [DOI][PDF]
Parra, D. and Brusilovsky, P. (2015) User-controllable personalization: A case study with SetFusion. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 78, 43–67. [DOI][PDF]
Lin, Y., Trattner, C., Brusilovsky, P., and He, D. (2015) The impact of image descriptions on user tagging behavior: A study of the nature and functionality of crowdsourced tags. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (9), 1785–1798. [DOI][CuL][PDF]
López, C., Butler, B., and Brusilovsky, P. (2014) Does Anything Ever Happen Around Here? Assessing the Online Information Landscape for Local Events. Journal of Urban Technology 21 (4), 95-123. [DOI][PDF]
Lee, D. and Brusilovsky, P. (2014) Recommending Talks at Research Conferences Using Users’ Social Networks. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 23 (2). [DOI][PDF]
Hsiao, I. H., Bakalov, F., Brusilovsky, P., and König-Ries, B. (2013) Progressor: social navigation support through open social student modeling. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 19 (2), 112-131. [DOI][PDF][CuL][Bibsonomy]
Research Interests
Adaptive Web systems, Social Web, adaptive hypermedia, user modeling, adaptive information systems, intelligent tutoring systems, e-learning, information visualization, digital libraries, human-computer interaction