Adam J. Lee

  • Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
  • Professor

Dr. Adam J. Lee joined the Department of Computer Science in the fall of 2008. He received the MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2005 and 2008, respectively. Prior to that, he received his BS in Computer Science from Cornell University.

Dr. Lee's research interests lie at the intersection of the computer security, privacy, and distributed systems fields. He is particularly interested in the design and analysis of systems that can be used to facilitate secure interactions across multiple security domains while still preserving each individual's privacy and autonomy. His work also investigates individuals' perceptions of privacy in the context of IoT and sensor-based systems, and the design of sensing systems that balance functionality and the privacy needs of users. His research has been supported by the NSF and DARPA, and he is an NSF CAREER award recipient.

Representative Publications

View in D-Scholarship

N. Farnan, A. Lee, P. Chrysanthis, and T. Yu, "“(I, A)-Privacy: Locally-Enforceable Querier Privacy for Distributed Databases," VLDB Journal, 2015.

W.Garrison III and A. Lee, "Decomposing, Comparing, and Synthesizing Access Control Expressiveness Simulations," 28th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2015), pp. pp. 18-32, Verona, Italy, July 2015.

J. Biehl, E. Rieffel, and A. Lee, "When Privacy and Utility are in Harmony: Towards Better Design of Presence Technologies," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2013.

W. Garrison III, Y. Qiao, and A. Lee, "On the Suitability of Dissemination-centric Access Control Systems for Group-centric Sharing," The Fourth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2014), pp. 1–12, San Antonio, TX , 2014, Outstanding Paper Award .

M. Iskander, D. Wilkinson, T. Trainor, A. Lee, and P. Chrysanthis, "Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014.

Research Interests

Research interests lie at the intersection of the computer security
And distributed systems fields